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الرئيسية » Ali bin Ali Al-Ansi

Ali bin Ali Al-Ansi

الفنان عي بن علي الآنسي

Ali bin Ali Al-Ansi  was born in Sana’a – Yemen  in 1933 , he is Yemeni singer .

early life:

Ali Al-Ansi grew up in a family that suffered economically, so his father had to move from one region to another, At this time, Ali Al-Ansi was at the age he should start in school What encouraged him to enter the school was his strong desire to perform the chants that the students used to perform, he start to study At Naseer Primary School After leaving it, he moved to Dhamar to live with his brother Judge Muhammad From Dhamar he moved to Taiz where his brother worked Brigadier General Ahmed Al-Ansi then  he joined the army and worked as a military writer.


His artistic and musical sense began when he start to listen to some singers like almas, waljaraash ,waleantari.

Influenced by his friend Muhammad Abdullah Al-Sanidar, who was the first to hear sing and play  oud.

This increased his attachment to singing, and he began his journey in search.

Artists influenced by them :

Abdul Rahman bin Ali Reda
Ahmed Al Hammami
Mohammed Abdullah Al-Salmi
Qasim Al-Akhfash
Ahmed Ashish

His talent for singing began to appear with the first song he sang (hum yamnaeuu eayni lihasanik la turaa). His brother, Brigadier General Ahmed, admired and encouraged him, as he worked as an assistant to the (wireless) traffic controller at the fourth point in Taiz.

After he getting famous:

His fame began with his performance of light songs of the al sanani  then He changed this color and sang songs from other regions of Yemen, such as Al-Aden, and then moved on to performing lengthy songs.

He has a collection of beautiful songs through the lyrical poems he wrote, composed and sang, the most famous of which are (ma fi muealim khayr),(falat yad al makhluq )(lilak al layl ya ) and others.

He possessed a great position at the popular and official levels in his life and after his death because of his good voice and beautiful playing and his interest in the melodies of Yemeni folklore and artistic heritage, especially the folklore of the central regions of Yemen.

The Medal of Arts and Letters from President Ali Abdullah Saleh twice after his death, the first in 1984 1984 and the second in 1989 1989, and the Arts Medal from former President Ali Nasser Muhammad. Before the establishment of the unit, he worked in the coordination department at Sana’a Radio, then in the moral and political guidance department before his death.

The poets he sang to:

Ali Sabra
Mutahhar Al-Eryani
Abbas Al Mutaa

famous songs:

adhik ealaa al ayaamIt is the official Eid song in Yemen on Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha

khatir ghusn alqana
alhubu walbunu
mamshuq alqawam
wa mugharad bawadi aldawr
miskin ya nas
waqf wawadae
laylak allayl ya layl
ya qamari sanea’
anst ya hali
‘ana alshaeb
nahn alshabab
sharbit basat alriyh

He is one of the few Yemeni artists who incorporated rhythms into their melodies, Also, some of his songs were sung by other singers, and the most famous song he sang is (adhik ealaa al ayaam).But none of them was able to overshadow the popularity of the original song as well as the songs (, mughead bawadi al dawr , miskin yanas).

It was sung by artists (Ayoub Tarish, Abu Bakr Salem, Muhammad Hammoud Al-Harthy, Ahmed Fathi, Taha Farea).

However, Al-Ansi’s original songs remained the most well-known and mastered.

his death

He died on April 17, 1981 .