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About the forum

The Arab Art Forum is an artistic edifice concerned with various artistic aspects. The forum was founded on January 1, 2013 by the plastic artist Radfan Al-Mohammadi, and since that time until now the forum has implemented many cultural and artistic events, training courses and workshops that have contributed and significantly contribute to the flourishing of art and artists. Because it has a major role in developing the level and experiences of the participants in order to convey it to the world.
In the year 2015 AD, the Arab Art Forum began its first steps in international participation, as it had its first participation in Italy at the Benton Museum of Small Works. Then, in 2016 AD, it moved to London to participate in the competition for the best Arabs in the world. Two of the forum members won first place and the title of best Arab artists in (sculpture and installation – Diagnostic School) In the year 2017, the Arab Art Forum adopted its first international competition in the field of small business, which was under the title “The First International Competition of the Arab Art Forum for the year 2017 for small works”, in which artists from eight Arab countries participated (Yemen – Egypt – Iraq – Lebanon – Saudi Arabia – Syria – Palestine – Jordan.” In addition to his participation with 20 plastic artists in the 14th Basamat International Forum for Small Business in Cairo, and the participation of 18 artists and plastic artists in the International Creative Forum for the year 2018, as well as in the 7th Beijing International Biennial of Arts 2017 and 8th 2019 in addition to the Dafen Biennial for Business Oily 2018 China
In the year 2020, he held another Arab competition under the name of “Ibdaa” competition for Arabic drawing and calligraphy, where more than 13 Arab countries participated in this competition, in addition to his participation in two virtual exhibitions, Lotus Libya and Extra Syria. As well as the local competitions, the first of which started in 2014, the second in 2016, the third in 2018, the fourth in 2019 and the fifth in 2020. The forum seeks to continue its work in terms of training, rehabilitation, holding festivals, competitions and various art exhibitions, in addition to continuing with new participations in new countries so that the Yemeni artist can reach all countries of the world. The Arab Art Forum is currently working on an electronic encyclopedia that includes Yemeni artists in all artistic fields to make the encyclopedia a reference for researchers


1- Training and qualifying young people and all interested groups in various technical fields and refining their skills.
2- Paying attention to developing children’s artistic abilities, developing their talents, and attracting talented ones.
3- Creating a comprehensive and appropriate artistic environment for artists in their various fields and linking them to international artistic movements.
4- Adopting the talents of Yemeni artists and creators and working to develop them and highlight them to the community.
5- Representing Yemeni art and artists in local and international exhibitions, conferences and art forums, and working to highlight the various types of authentic Yemeni art.
6- Working to create a participatory environment between the issues of society and artists by involving art and artists in various fields of life and providing them with the opportunity to express their opinions and attitudes towards certain issues.

7- Upgrading the arts in the Arab world and Yemen, working to popularize artistic culture, and keeping pace with other societies 8- Work to create a participatory environment with organizations, associations, institutions, cultural and artistic bodies in the Arab world and the world, and strive to implement joint international events in various countries.

Activities and Programs


1- Establishing training sessions in various artistic fields (plastic arts (drawing – carving – handicrafts) – calligraphy – music – singing – theater – photography – graphics – decoration) at various levels. 2- Organizing workshops, exhibitions and entertainment sessions for children. 3- A Facebook page for the Arab Art Forum, which includes all artists from different fields and works to enrich art and artists with the latest developments and relevant news. 4- Holding plastic exhibitions and international and local artistic events in the various governorates of Yemen. 5- Participation in exhibitions and local and international artistic events and represent the Forum and its members.

Annual Programs

1- Honoring ceremony and graduation exhibition for students (every two months) 2- Young Artist Exhibition (International Children’s Day) 3- International competition (annual) 4- The local competition is dedicated to appreciation of great statures in Yemeni art (annual). 5- Various bazaars. (every two months) 6- Multiple artistic festivals (ongoing) 7- Arab and international events (according to coordination).
الفريق الإداري

ردفان المحمدي

رئيس المنتدى

عيسى المحمدي

مدير المنتدى

وفاء الحمادي

المدير المالي

عزيز خالد

مدير الموقع

فردوس البذيجي

مسئول قسم الديكور

اساتذة المنتدى

قسم التعليم النظامي

علي الحوري

استاذ العزف على آلة الكمان

جلال الشميري

أستاذ الفنون التشكيلية

محمد الحاشدي

استاذ الفنون التشكيلية

فائز الحرازي

أستاذ الخط العربي

واصف العماد

أستاذ المقامات الصوتية والتنمية الابداعية

عبدالرحمن السباعي

أستاذ التصوير

أصيل السبئي

أستاذ الكمان

علي الجمحي

استاذ فوكاليز

نبيل القباطي

أستاذ التصميم الداخلي

صالح عايش

أستاذ العود

اساتذة المنتدى

قسم التعليم المفتوح

حسين بن يحيى

استاذ قسم الجرافكس والتصممي الداخلي

عصام الصليحي

استاذ قسم التصوير

صدام العدلة

استاذ قسم العرائس

فائز الحرازي

أستاذ الخط العربي والخط الإنجليزي

هديل الهبوب

استاذة فن الريزن

فاطمة محمد

أستاذة فن الديكوباج

مصطفى ابو الريش

أستاذ تحسين الخط والخط الكوفي

محمد جعيول

أستاذ خط الثلث

مرينا برجاو

مدربة الرسم على الزجاج